Adoption Journey
Nicole And Taylor are Hoping to Adopt. Out of everything we could tell you, What we want you to know first is. We are aching for another...
I avoided eye contact. I knew if I uttered my word, id cry.
I was training my dog to stay. She is a BIG excited thing, and just can’t hardly stand to stay in place. Over and over we did this...
"Christmas Magic" service project
Christmas Magic Service project 2023
any donation is welcomed!
I Deleted MY video as it was going viral -Shedding light on how going Viral can really feel.
"When videos take off, I know its a blessing because I am growing my community, but what no one really talks about is.. I also kinda HATE...
Horrified looks from everyone in the room, when I admit how bad my postpartum was.
I had the most wonderful birth, I truly have such beautiful feelings when I look back at being in the hospital. I am so lucky to have...
What Happened to Rydge.
One year ago we lost our sweet boy Rydge. I’ve been asked probably a hundred times what happened. I thought I’d be ok to talk about it...
My baby was sideways... I had to have a C-section!
My baby was sideways/ breach and I had to have a C-section I am the kind of person that needs to be prepared to do anything that seems...
How I keep my Anxiety in Check (naturally)
I am in NO WAY suggesting that Everyone can manage their anxiety with out medication. I am PRO medication, I was on and off it myself for...